Monday, January 20, 2020

Happy MLK, Jr. Day!

     I'm having a pretty good day. How about you? Layla had her birthday party yesterday and it went well. Some friends came and some family came, it was a good day! Then today, it being Martin Luther King Jr Day, Layla had the day off of school! She also got a haircut on Saturday. It looks so cute! I'll have to get a picture of just her with her haircut!

    I have some exciting things coming up, a couple reviews, at least 1 giveaway, and I'm planning our next keto potluck meetup! How many of you have gone to at least 1 keto meetup? How was it? A lot of sponsors? I'd love to make it as great as it was last time, or better of course! We'll see how well it goes.

     I'm in a good mood today, but I didn't sleep specifically well. Rosalie has been sick the last few nights and gets super congested trying to go to sleep and I think she's passed it along to me. I woke up this morning and my throat was all scratchy! Sharing is caring, right? She's too cute to even be upset about it though! While sick, she's just been trying to be a little Momma today. She's been feeding her baby doll, comforting the baby, giving the baby kisses. See, even when we're sick, caring for our babies never stop! <3

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