Sunday, April 14, 2013

[REVIEW & GIVEAWAY] EatSmart Precision PRO Kitchen Scale

I was given the chance to review the EatSmart PrecisionPRO Kitchen Scale from Eat Smart. They didn’t compensate me from my opinion. They are my own, but I found that wanting tolose weight- this was something that I needed to help me! I’m not sure how well you’ve been doing on your New Year Resolution’s, but if it’s to lose weight, I believe this would be a big help! There are a lot of sites to help you with portion control, but a lot of them are based on either cups or you can have such and such but only so many ounces of it to stay healthy. Well, I don’t know how to determine how many ounces something is on my own and I need a little help. The PrecisionPRO Kitchen Scale measures in Ounces, Grams, Kilograms, and Pounds. You don’t have to quit eating what you like to lose weight- just smaller amounts of the bad stuff and the scale will help you figure out how much of something is still okay for you to have! Losing weight or just trying to be healthy doesn’t have to be hard anymore! I’ve already lost 2 pounds this week because I’ve used this scale! This scale would also be great food cooks when trying to determine just how much of something to put in, by other means ofmeasurement than “cups” or measuring spoons. This scale also comes with a Calorie Factors Guide. The only thing to remember is if you don’t put the food directly on there, that you need to minus the weight of the container you’re using to hold the ingredients you’re trying to weigh. I cannot express enough that this has made losing weight SO much easier and not so frustrating determining what you don’t know!

To buy the EatSmart PrecisionPRO Kitchen Scale for yourkitchen or someone else’s you can find it here!

You can also find more information on their products here.

Like them on facebook for more updates or on their blog!

You can also find them on TwitterGoogle+Instagram, and Pinterest.

They have been kind enough to allow us to have a giveawayto one of you fine readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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