Friday, February 15, 2019

2 Months on Keto and counting

            Yesterday marked 2 months since starting my keto journey. It was Valentine's Day so I was nice and made Jed & Layla lasagna. I rarely ever make it and they loved it! I still did good by me and ate eggs & turkey sausage. It doesn't sound as good, but I very much still enjoyed it!
            I'm feeling great! My scale isn't always changing and I'm okay with that, but I feel like changes are always happening. My stomach is by no means even close to flat but I feel it tightening up all the same. I'm not entirely sure why that is though at the moment, but I'll take it. I've lost a total of 19 pounds since I started my journey. I'm within 10 pounds of my first goal and that's to be less than 200 lbs. It's been a VERY long time since I've been below 200 pounds. It was before Layla was born (10 years ago), when I got pregnant with her I was at 180, then dropped down to 170 from all the morning sickness and then packed it all back on during my pregnancy and then some and never got rid of it. My highest weight was weighing in at 260.8 and I felt awful. I'm not going back that direction and I'm so happy to be making a change in my life to make myself healthy. Doesn't matter if it was on a keto journey or another one, my goal is to be healthy. I don't want to  have to worry about dying at a young age because I decided to eat bad things all the time! I don't eat perfectly even still, but I'm trying to do better with what I'm putting in my body.
            Some days it is a lot more challenging! Challenging to not take the easy way and just pop something in the microwave that is extremely unhealthy for me, but again, quick and easy. I've been really good about not detouring right now, but there's not very often that it isn't a struggle. To be clear, I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of food by no means. It's more of a struggle with how lazy I am, but I'd like to get more active as well. Not just with making my own food, but I'm SO looking forward to warmer weather so I can go for walks. I would now, but right now, I'd have to drag my 6 month old out into the cold too.
            I'm currently in the process of planning a keto potluck meetup. I'm really excited about doing it! I also can't wait to try some keto products/companies- not specifically for the meetup, but in general. :) I haven't lost my excitement for my journey.